PELAGO Sports 335 Premium on upea 335 cm pitkä ja 81 cm leveä SUP-lauta. Laudan paksuus on jopa 15 cm, jonka ansiosta varpaat pysyvät kuivana, eikä lauta taivu keskeltä!
Laudan täyttäminen tapahtuu mukana tulevalla painemittarillisena pumpulla. Pumppaamisessa kestää noin 3-5 minuuttia, kevyemmät käyttäjät voivat pumpata laudan 10-13 PSI ja painavammat aina 15 PSI asti.
The hit product of the summer!
KelluvaMatto is a guaranteed summer hit for your family to enjoy! You can find our KelluvaMatto from over 1000 households and summer cottages throughout Finland! You can choose from multiple sizes and variations in our shop!
Original KelluvaMatto
Manufactured in Finland
Finished design - rounded corners for look & feel
10 years floating gurarantee
UV-protected - designed to last
5 cm thick - best carrying capacity
Original KelluvaMatto
Manufactured in Finland
Finished design - rounded corners for look & feel
10 years floating gurarantee
UV-protected - designed to last
5 cm thick - best carrying capacity